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51±¬ÁÏÏÂÔØ Mathematics and Statistics faculty and student researchers smiling for the camera after their final summer research presentation with a community partner

Each year, the Undergraduate Research in STEM (UR-STEM) program requests proposals to fund students in research projects either underway, or new projects appropriate for novice students.

Many faculty members have had success adding a UR-STEM student to their existing research team. Students that participate in this program have been retained at significantly higher levels than those who do not participate.



2025 Application & Selection Schedule

January 21 Deadline to submit UR-STEM project application and Supply Request Form to CINSAM.
January 28 - February 17 Student application window. Students interested in participating in the faculty's research will apply online from the student Undergraduate Research webpage.
March 12 Participating faculty will receive a list of all eligible applicants and are responsible for conducting interviews with students of their choosing from the list.
March 31
Deadline for faculty to identify ranked list of students they would like to work with by submitting the student names and projects to CINSAM and to their Department Chair.
April 7
Faculty will be notified by CINSAM of student selections for UR-STEM.
April 21 Deadline for faculty to meet with their selected students to extend the UR-STEM offer and to fill out the stipend paperwork. Students should then be directed to CINSAM for completion of their hiring paperwork.
April 30 Faculty must ensure students have completed and turned in all hiring paperwork to CINSAM in order for students to begin research on time and to be paid on time.

UR-STEM Process & Information