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Humans of Greater Cincinnati Post: female student in graduation gown
Growing up as an African American in a predominantly white community can be more challenging than some would think. In a school like mine, most people didn’t understand the concept of institutional racism and I became very frustrated with my peers because I felt silenced. This feeling started to change once I met Mrs. Ella Campbell, one of only two black teachers at my school. I was excited because I finally felt some sense of normalcy and felt like what I had to say mattered. I also had a difficult time embracing my blackness and Mrs. Campbell taught me that being a black woman is a wonderful thing. She talked to me about black history and why it’s important to know about our cultural significance. I began to research historical figures, the aspects of slavery, read books about black lives, and then we would discuss what I looked into when I was finished. I am forever grateful for her impact on my life and how she has influenced the person I’ve become today! This is an important aspect of my story because I became cognizant of my culture, learned things that were not taught in school, and was finally proud of my skin tone! #nkustories #humansofgreatercincinnati